
你喜欢运用批判性思维和解决问题的能力来帮助医疗保健吗 decisions for a diverse population of people? Are 你 a competent and compassionate 沟通者? 职业生涯s within the 卫生科学学院 may be the perfect fit 为你! Health Science careers require caring for individuals in a variety of settings 利用尖端技术,促进健康和健康,并鼓励 健康的生活方式. The 卫生科学学院 offers a variety of courses, certifications and 学位s for many health care occupations. Courses range from a few months of study, to one and two-year AAS 学位s. 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 also offers an RN to Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing and a Bachelor of Applied Science in 口腔卫生.

社区卫生专业学士学位课程为有工作经验的毕业生做好准备 医疗保健、急救人员或社会科学领域的职业课程 supporting patients and community members with health equity and access. 社区 卫生工作者是卫生保健团队的重要成员,并帮助改善 the quality and cultural competence of healthcare delivery.


即将到来的!! 这 program is being designed to equip students with the knowledge and practical skills needed to work in a dental office as an assistant. 与课程 涵盖牙科术语,解剖学,感染控制,口腔放射学,四手 我们的学生毕业时对牙科和牙科材料有了全面的了解 野外的. Additionally, our hands-on clinical experience ensures that students 准备好与病人一起工作,协助牙医和牙科保健师,以及 管理任务. 研究生s are prepared to meet credentialing requirements 在华盛顿州实习牙医助理,并可能在美国找到工作 各种设置,包括私人牙科诊所,社区健康中心, 和医院. Join us and start 你r journey towards a fulfilling career in dental 协助!


A Dental 保健师 has an important job in the 场 of dentistry. 卫生员会帮上忙 防止蛀牙及因牙龈感染及骨质流失 损失. A graduate of our program will assess the oral health of patients by taking x-rays, provide oral hygiene instruction, provide teeth cleaning and learn how to 把馅料. 研究生s will be prepared to take their written National Board Exam 以及三个临床委员会考试,以获得注册牙医的执业执照 保健师. The Bachelor of Applied Science in 口腔卫生 is the 学位 awarded 给这个项目的毕业生.


这个项目将训练你在医院外的救护车上工作 消防车的目标是稳定遭受创伤或医疗紧急情况的病人. 这 program starts every Spring and Fall and lasts 15 weeks.


通过我们的EFDA计划,迈出迈向牙科辅助高级职业的第一步. 旨在为学生准备扩展牙科功能,我们的计划涵盖 一切从法律和道德方面的牙科实践的实用技术 对于恢复性手术. With a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on 通过实验经验,学生将获得所需的知识和技能 high-quality dental care under the supervision of licensed dentists. 不管你是 刚毕业于牙科辅助培训项目,或经验丰富的牙科医生 希望提高您的技能的助理,我们的EFDA计划是完美的适合 你.


学习消防原则,这是一项管理荒野和危险的职业 structure fires, hazardous materials and rescues. You will build skills and learn 学习与火灾科学相关的社会、政治和经济概念 how to protect and support 你r community. 这 program is open enrollment, 你 may 随时开始.


为无菌处理和物料管理的入门级职业做好准备. 你们将接受消毒和消毒治疗和诊断设备的培训, surgical instrumentation and medical supplies for reprocessing. 获得广泛的实践 training during this two-quarter program.


在接受病人培训后,你将成为医疗办公室中有价值的团队成员 care and front office skills typically in an
outpatient office, clinic or ambulatory care setting. Choose from a short-term certificate 作为医务秘书(仅限前台技能)或继续获得一年的证书 or AAS 学位 as a 医疗助理. After successfully completing the program, 你 将能够通过注册医师助理考试认证 American Association of 医疗助理s. Upon certification 你 will be eligible for the MA-C license in through the state of Washington.


Current Radiologic Technologists or licensed ARRT’s will be able to take advanced 学习计算机断层扫描(CT),骨密度测量,磁共振成像 (MRI)和乳房x光检查.


核医学是放射学的一个分支,使用放射性物质成像 the body and in some cases to cause a therapeutic effect. 核医学技术人员 准备放射性药物并给病人进行成像或治疗 目的. They work in hospitals, imaging centers and sometimes in physician 办公室. 职业选择包括交叉培训到其他形式的放射学,专业化 在核医学领域,成为一名主管或经理,成为一名医学物理学家 或者健康物理学家.


网赌正规真人实体在线平台护理专业毕业生自豪地一直实现最高的毕业率之一 第一次通过全国议会执照考试的考生 for association 学位 prepared registered nurses in Washington State.


Individuals who have completed the ADN program and obtained a Washington State RN 有资格申请网赌正规真人实体在线平台的RN-BSN计划,获得理学学士学位 学位. 这 program allows working nurses to continue their education online with occasional face-to-face meetings in a classroom. Furthering their skills in the nursing 行业将允许他们扩大他们的实践范围,承担领导/管理 任务.


完成LPN课程并获得华盛顿州认证的个人 LPN许可证有资格申请网赌正规真人实体在线平台的LPN到BSN计划,以获得学士学位 护理学学位. 这 program allows working LPNs to continue their education 整个星期都在网上,并亲自提供实验室和临床课程 在周末. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to take the NCLEX-RN examination and earn a Registered Nurse license. 


顺利完成为期十周课程的护理助理学生 工作,实验室和临床时间将获得由DSHS颁发的完成证书 and be eligible to take the NNAAP examination.


护理人员项目比EMT项目有更多的培训内容 additional skills in advanced lifesaving care in the out-of-hospital setting. 这 program starts every June and January and lasts 18 months.


目前的注册护士可以参加这个高级培训,与我们一起工作 surgical professionals in the operating room. Students will be educated in patient care before, during and after surgery.


学习作为实验室医疗团队成员的知识和技能 in a variety of settings through this two-quarter program. 你将学习如何画画 采血,采集和准备标本,为患者提供明确的指导等.


放射技术专家直接与病人和医生一起工作 diagnostic x-ray procedures including film and image processing with a variety of 技术设备. After successfully completing the program, 你 will be able to take the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) certification.


害怕你会说西班牙语? Do 你 want to build on 你r bilingual skills and work in the healthcare 场? 经过认证的医疗口译员在各种临床环境中工作,促进 communication between patients and the healthcare team.

四分之三的西班牙医学口译课程为学生提供了基础 skills in interpreting and bilingual medical terminology. 该课程结合了课堂教学 instruction with real-world experience in healthcare clinics. 这个程序每天都启动。 fall quarter and applicants must pass an entrance test to be accepted. 


与外科医生和其他手术室(OR)专业人员一起工作 patient care during invasive surgeries in a variety of specialties. 外科手术技术 设置手术室,准备无菌区,进行计数,传递仪器和用品 and ensure safety throughout the operation.



网赌正规真人实体在线平台 卫生科学学院


First time pass rate on RN NCLEX exam in 2019


Of all new jobs through 2026 will be in healthcare


与医院、诊所、实验室、牙医和医生等临床机构建立伙伴关系 办公室


Nationally accredited healthcare 学位 programs

事件 & 最后期限


  • 电子邮件:healthsciences@gjg2.com

  • 电话:509-544-8300

  • 地址:北门博士891号.华盛顿州里奇兰,99352

  • 办公时间:Monday to Thursday: 7 am to 4:30 pm星期五:上午7时至中午

Health Science Center, Richland Campus
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